Comment history with markmejia
Displaying 1 - 20 of 25 comments
LOL, thanks. :]
but apparently, by julia, it's an icon's that's been overused in the past. and i never knew dah. :[
Did I ever tell you how adorably and strangely mesmerizing your avatar is? D:
Did I ever tell you how much I like your profile picture? :D
I'm a first-semester senior. :( It's all right, but I'm already procrastinating a little, and I've only had a week of school. I'm so happy that it's the first weekend of the school year.
Oh, and I'm listening to you and your friends singing "Getting Stronger." Heh.
That's exactly it. I love the simplicity. :D Haha.
I started school last Monday. When do you start? Or did you already start too ..
It's just the default with Arial font and a background. xD
Have you started school yet?
Maybe you could make over celebrities not wearing makeup instead? It's probably more fun working on non-celebrities, but still. x]
Good. I'm not bumming around like I have the past few summers. >< Full-time job M-F at my aunt's office, studying for the ACT, hitting up museums, rereading Harry Potter. :]
Thanks, haha. If it weren't so insulting to them, I'd do more Photoshop makeovers of my friends, lmao.
So. How you been? :]
I miss your PS makeover videos. :[
Thanks, although being on HS isn't all it's cut out to be.
Well lately, I've been losing my Photoshopness. But that's what I get for barely opening it up anymore and being overconfident with my graphic design skillsorzz. Just been more into my music these days, and yeah. But wow, all the mods have changed and all. Congrats on moving up to Head Staff, haha. :D
It is pretty good, isn't it? ;]
What have you been up to since you're rarely on CB anymore?
Omg, your background image. I think I used this in my "Self-Destruction" layout, haha.
Haha, noo. I meant, I showed it to other people so they could critique it. XD
Well, uh. Actually, I sent them to a couple people personally already. -.- But you could've been the first!
Old but so cool.
Yay! I hope I'll be the first to see it.